
We have been forever changed by experiencing a faith-filled journey that first brought us our sweet Caitlin, then an adoption that ended in disappointment, and now one that placed us in the NICU with a sweet little baby boy. Never would we have chosen the disappointment and grief of losing children we had come to love and now worrying about the health of our new little addition, but God's plan has been to forever leave His mark of grace, brokenness, and freedom to obey even when we don’t understand. To Him be the glory for what He has done, and is doing, and will do!

With love and gratefulness to our Heavenly Father who has adopted us into His forever family, and to you, our family and friends,

Robert, Carlene and Caitlin Belue

Friday, February 25, 2011

God's Way is the Best Way

This encouragement for the day came straight from Caitlin's Veggie Tales CD. Who knew?! What a great reminder that "God's way is the best way, now that I know He loves me so. His way is the best way...and that's the way for me." After the song was over, I looked into the rearview mirror to say, "You know Caitlin, God's way is always the best way." To which she responded, "Like our 3 children." Yes, indeed. Great lessons being learned for all of us!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking to Jesus

Have you ever taken steps of obedience, by faith, and then wondered if you have the faith to finish the path where those steps are taking you? That's where I am today. Knowing full well, and confident that God's plan is being perfectly crafted through this adoption, but not having the strength in myself to keep up that faith that got me here. That's why Jesus took me to Hebrews 12:1,2 yesterday, knowing I needed to hear Him say,"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..." I am so grateful that Jesus will "finish" my faith and give me the daily strength to run this particular race. May we all continue to "Look unto Jesus" until He comes or calls us home!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The paperwork trail

As we wait, February is becoming our fundraiser month. See the new button for T-shirts that Robert's sister helped us set up. ;)We thank God for His plan in providing for all our needs! Paperwork is getting "authenticated, translated, stamped, sent to various places...and anything else that paperwork has to do. ;) And God is still in control!